How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources

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How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources

Render-blocking resources, such as JavaScript and CSS files, can delay the loading of your WordPress website, resulting in slower page speeds and poor user experiences. Eliminating these resources is crucial for improving performance and achieving higher SEO rankings.

This guide explains what render-blocking resources are, why they affect your site, and actionable steps to eliminate them.

What Are Render-Blocking Resources?


Render-blocking resources are files that must be loaded and processed by the browser before it can render a web page. These typically include:

  1. JavaScript Files:
    • Scripts that execute functionalities but can delay rendering.
  2. CSS Files:
    • Stylesheets that define the visual design of the site.

Why They Are a Problem

  • Delays Above-the-Fold Content:
    • Users may experience a blank screen while these resources load.
  • Increased Page Load Time:
    • Affects Core Web Vitals metrics like First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).

Tools to Identify Render-Blocking Resources

1. Google PageSpeed Insights

  • Provides a detailed report on render-blocking resources.
  • Suggests optimizations to improve performance.

2. GTmetrix

  • Analyzes critical performance metrics and flags render-blocking scripts and styles.

3. WebPageTest

  • Offers an in-depth waterfall chart to visualize loading sequences.

Step 1: Use Asynchronous Loading for JavaScript

What Is Asynchronous Loading?

  • Allows JavaScript files to load independently of other resources, preventing delays.

How to Implement

Modify Script Tags:

  • Add the async or defer attribute to your JavaScript files.

    <script src="example.js" async></script>
    <script src="example.js" defer></script>

    Use Plugins:

    • Install a plugin like Async JavaScript to automatically add these attributes.

      Difference Between Async and Defer

      • Async: Scripts load in parallel and execute as soon as they’re ready.
      • Defer: Scripts load in order and execute after the HTML is parsed.

      Step 2: Inline Critical CSS

      What Is Critical CSS?

      • Critical CSS refers to the styles required to render above-the-fold content. By inlining these styles, you reduce the dependency on external CSS files.

      How to Implement

      /* Critical CSS */
      body { margin: 0; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
      • Use Plugins:
        • Install Autoptimize to automatically extract and inline critical CSS.

      Step 3: Minimize and Combine CSS and JavaScript Files

      Why It Helps

      • Reduces the number of HTTP requests and file sizes, speeding up page load times.

      Tools for Minification

      1. Autoptimize:
        • Minifies and combines CSS and JavaScript files automatically.
      2. WP Rocket:
        • Provides advanced minification and optimization options.

      Steps to Combine Files

      1. Install and activate a minification plugin.
      2. Enable options to:
        • Minify JavaScript and CSS.
        • Combine multiple files into fewer requests.

      Step 4: Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

      Benefits of a CDN

      • Delivers static assets like JavaScript and CSS from servers closer to the user.

      Recommended CDNs

      1. Cloudflare: Free and easy to set up.
      2. KeyCDN: Affordable and performance-focused.
      3. StackPath: Combines speed and security.

      How to Integrate

      1. Sign up with a CDN provider.
      2. Use a plugin like CDN Enabler to configure your WordPress site.
      3. Test your site to ensure assets are loading via the CDN.

      Step 5: Delay Non-Critical JavaScript

      What Is Non-Critical JavaScript?

      • Scripts not required for immediate page rendering, such as tracking scripts or animations.

      How to Delay

      1. Use a Plugin:
        • Install WP Rocket or Flying Scripts to delay JavaScript execution.
      2. Manual Implementation:
        • Wrap scripts in a function to delay their execution:
      window.onload = function() {
          var script = document.createElement('script');
          script.src = 'example.js';

      Step 6: Leverage Browser Caching

      How Browser Caching Helps

      • Stores static assets like CSS and JavaScript files locally, reducing the need to re-download them.

      How to Enable

      • Add the following code to your .htaccess file:
      <IfModule mod_expires.c>
          ExpiresActive On
          ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 year"
          ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 1 year"
      • Use plugins like W3 Total Cache to configure caching settings.


      Eliminating render-blocking resources is a key step in optimizing your WordPress site for speed and performance. By combining techniques like asynchronous loading, inlining critical CSS, and leveraging caching, you can ensure a faster, more user-friendly website.

      Start implementing these steps today to improve your Core Web Vitals and deliver an excellent user experience.

      Content Harmony: On-Site Data



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