A Guide to Creating and Using Custom Post Types in WordPress

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A Guide to Creating and Using Custom Post Types in WordPress

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A Guide to Creating and Using Custom Post Types in WordPress

Custom Post Types (CPTs) are one of the most powerful features of WordPress. They allow you to extend the functionality of your website by adding new types of content beyond the default options (posts, pages, etc.). With CPTs, you can manage unique content such as portfolios, testimonials, events, or products in a structured and organized way.

This guide explains how to create, register, and manage custom post types in WordPress.

What Are Custom Post Types?

Custom Post Types are content types you can define to suit your specific needs. WordPress comes with built-in post types like:

  • Posts: For blog articles.
  • Pages: For static content like About or Contact pages.
  • Attachments: For media uploads.

Custom Post Types let you go beyond these defaults to manage unique content structures.

When to Use Custom Post Types

Scenarios for CPTs

  1. Portfolio: Showcase your work in an organized manner.
  2. Testimonials: Collect and display customer reviews.
  3. Events: Manage event details with custom fields for dates and venues.
  4. Products: Create a custom solution for e-commerce outside standard plugins.

Benefits of CPTs

  • Improved content organization.
  • Enhanced scalability for complex websites.
  • Streamlined backend management.

Step 1: Create a Custom Post Type

Using Code (Recommended for Developers)

1- Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin:

    function create_custom_post_type() {
        $args = array(
            'labels' => array(
                'name' => 'Portfolios',
                'singular_name' => 'Portfolio',
            'public' => true,
            'has_archive' => true,
            'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'custom-fields'),
            'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'portfolios'),
        register_post_type('portfolio', $args);
    add_action('init', 'create_custom_post_type');

    2- Save the file and refresh your WordPress dashboard. You’ll see a new menu item for “Portfolios.”

      Using a Plugin (No Coding Required)

      • Install and activate Custom Post Type UI.
      • Navigate to CPT UI > Add/Edit Post Types.
      • Configure the settings (e.g., post type name, slug, and supports).
      • Click Add Post Type to create your CPT.

      Step 2: Add Custom Fields to Your CPT

      Using Code (Advanced)

      • Install the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin to add fields like dates, URLs, or ratings.
      • Use the following code to display custom fields:
      if (have_posts()) :
          while (have_posts()) : the_post();
              $custom_field = get_field('your_field_name');
              echo '<p>' . $custom_field . '</p>';

      Using Plugins

      1. Install Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) or Meta Box.
      2. Create a field group and assign it to your custom post type.
      3. Use shortcodes or built-in functions to display the fields in your theme.

      Step 3: Customize CPT Templates

      Template Hierarchy

      WordPress uses specific templates for displaying CPTs:

      • single-{post-type}.php: Template for individual posts of the CPT.
      • archive-{post-type}.php: Template for the CPT archive page.


      1- Create single-portfolio.php in your theme folder.
      2- Add custom HTML and PHP code to display CPT content:

      <?php get_header(); ?>
      <div class="portfolio-content">
          <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
          <?php the_content(); ?>
      <?php get_footer(); ?>

      3- Save the file and refresh a Portfolio post to see the custom template in action.

        Step 4: Manage and Optimize Your CPT

        Add Categories and Tags

        1- Modify the CPT registration code to include taxonomy support:

        'taxonomies' => array('category', 'post_tag'),

        2- Use plugins like Custom Post Type UI to create custom taxonomies for better organization.

          Use SEO Plugins

          • Install Yoast SEO or Rank Math to optimize CPTs for search engines.

          Enable REST API for Integrations

          • Ensure the CPT is accessible via REST API for external applications:
          'show_in_rest' => true,

          Recommended Plugins for CPTs

          1. Custom Post Type UI: Simplifies creating and managing CPTs.
          2. Advanced Custom Fields: Adds custom fields and enhances CPT functionality.
          3. Meta Box: Provides advanced field and taxonomy options.
          4. Elementor Pro: Builds dynamic templates for CPTs.


          Custom Post Types are invaluable for creating tailored content solutions in WordPress. Whether you’re a developer or a non-technical user, CPTs allow you to expand your site’s functionality and better organize content.

          Start creating your Custom Post Types today to enhance your WordPress site’s flexibility and scalability.

          Content Harmony: On-Site Data



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